Lady & dog looking outside at snow - Winter HVAC Prep: How to Get Your System Ready for Winter

Feel that chill in the air? Winter is on its way. For homeowners, that means heating will be gearing up, and our HVAC system is at the heart of it all. Here, we answer all your questions about winter HVAC prep and provide tips to keep you warm and comfortable through the coldest time of the year.  

Why do I need to prepare my HVAC system for winter?

Even though some homeowners might overlook it, prepping your HVAC for winter is more than just a routine task—it’s essential for the well-being of your home. An unattended HVAC system can lead to inefficiencies, higher energy bills, and even unexpected breakdowns during the coldest days. Regular HVAC maintenance ensures efficient heating and reduces energy bills, providing both comfort and savings during winter months. By taking the time to prepare, you not only safeguard your home’s warmth but also your wallet. 

How can I improve my home’s heating efficiency during the colder months?

Maximizing your home’s heating efficiency is a blend of preventive and proactive steps. Begin by sealing any noticeable drafts around doors and windows. Proper insulation, especially for windows, minimizes heat loss. Scheduling regular HVAC check-ups ensures the system is running optimally. Lastly, consider using programmable or smart thermostats—they can adjust the temperature according to your daily routine, ensuring energy isn’t wasted when not needed.  

How can I prepare my furnace for winter?

Begin with: 

  • Replacing or cleaning the furnace filter. 
  • Inspecting for any leaks. 
  • Scheduling a professional tune-up. 
  • Testing thermostat accuracy. 
  • Checking safety controls. 
  • Clearing any obstructions from vents and registers. 

By following these steps, you’ll ensure your furnace operates as efficiently as possible and doesn’t leave you out in the cold! 

How do I combat dry air in the winter?

To tackle dry winter air, consider investing in a humidifier. These devices introduce moisture back into your indoor environment. Benefits include: 

  • Alleviating dry skin and respiratory irritations. 
  • Protecting wooden furniture and fixtures from drying out. 
  • Improving overall indoor comfort. 

For winter, maintaining indoor humidity levels between 30-50% is ideal. It ensures comfort while preventing condensation on windows. 

Indoor Air Quality Check - Winter HVAC Prep: How to Get Your System Ready for Winter

How can I maintain good indoor air quality during winter?

During the winter, as we often keep our windows shut to conserve heat, indoor air quality can take a hit. Using air cleaners like filters and purifiers can help alleviate this issue. 

Air cleaners remove contaminants and pollutants, ensuring clean and fresh indoor air. Similarly, air filters trap dust, allergens, and other particles, ensuring the circulated air remains clean. You can also use advanced air purifiers, which use various technologies to neutralize harmful microbes and odours, further enhancing the indoor atmosphere. 

Should I consider HEPA filters for winter?

Yes! During winter, homes are typically sealed tight to retain warmth, which can lead to stagnant air and a buildup of indoor pollutants. HEPA filters are designed to trap ultra-fine particles, enhancing the indoor air quality significantly. They capture allergens like pollen, dust mites, and pet dander, reducing the risk of allergies and respiratory issues. Additionally, with fewer outdoor air exchanges in winter, a HEPA filter can be crucial in maintaining a healthier indoor environment, making it a wise investment for the colder season. 

How can I ensure my home is ventilated in the winter without losing heat?

During cold months, retaining warmth while ensuring ventilation can be challenging. Heat recovery ventilation systems (HRVs) are key: they replace stale indoor air with fresh outdoor air, recapturing warmth in the process. Regularly cleaning vents and sealing drafts further boosts efficiency and air quality without letting the cold in. 

How should I prep my AC for the winter months? 

Prepping your AC for winter is crucial to extend its lifespan and prevent damage.  

First, ensure indoor and outdoor units are clean, and check for any needed repairs. If your AC has a water drain, clear it to prevent freezing. Then, shut off the power and cover the outdoor unit to protect it from debris and snow. Regular maintenance checks before the cold sets in will also keep your system in optimal shape for the next cooling season. Make sure to book a service before the snow falls!   

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Heat Pump in Snow - Winter HVAC Prep: How to Get Your System Ready for Winter

I have a heat pump; what should I do to prepare it for winter?

Heat pumps serve as both heaters and air conditioners, making winter preparation essential for their efficient functioning. Follow these steps: 

  1. Check and replace dirty filters for better airflow. 
  2. Remove debris from around the outdoor unit and ensure it’s level. 
  3. Seal windows and doors near the indoor unit to prevent drafts. 
  4. Schedule a professional maintenance check-up. 
  5. Test the heat pump in heating mode. 
  6. Regularly clear snow and ice from the outdoor unit during winter. 
  7. By following these steps, your heat pump will be winter-ready. 

What about preparing my boiler and pipes for winter?

To ensure your boiler functions efficiently in winter, service it annually. For the pipes, insulate any exposed sections and maintain your home’s temperature at a minimum of 13°C, even if you’re away. This prevents freezing and ensures consistent warmth. 

Book Your Winter Prep Service with an HVAC Expert Today

Prepping your home for winter goes beyond just adding blankets and sipping hot cocoa. The right HVAC care ensures a cozy, healthy living space without skyrocketing energy bills. Ready to get your home winter-proof? Contact Advantage Airtech ClimateCare for expert advice and services tailored to your needs. 

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