Breathe comfortably, sleep better, preserve your wood furnishings and save money by introducing a furnace humidifier to your dry Pickering home.
Humid air is more comfortable than dry air and feels warmer than it actually is. Introduce a furnace humidifier to your Pickering home and set the thermostat 3-5 degrees lower than you would before the humidifier. You’ll feel just as warm (if not more) and you will save $10-15 per month on your heating expenses. It might not look like much, but over the year it adds up.
Dry Skin.
Difficulty Sleeping
Increased incidents of illness, with longer cold and flu recover times
Irritated Eyes
Dry nose and throat
Cracking and premature aging in wood furnishings
A new humidifier can have an immediate and noticeable impact on your quality of life.
A whole house unit, or furnace humidifier, delivers all the benefits of small, portable humidifiers without the hassle of moving, placing and monitoring.
Whole house units are quick and simple to maintain, and you’ll never know whether it’s running or not – it’s whisper quiet.
Are you ready to say goodbye to dry throat and endless winter colds?
Call today and a member of our team will walk you through your options and help outline the best fit for your budget, home and, most of all, family. Learn about your furnace humidifier in Pickering today.